Friday, November 26, 2010

Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

I finally saw it. It was incredibly well done - had all the charm and goodness of Tim Burton. The clear references to the books were amusing, though I only noticed a few (I haven't actually READ the books, I just know a few quotes like believing six impossible things and all). The designs were pretty cool, too. All the subtle character details - like how Stayne, the Knave, had a black heart eyepatch while out on the field and a red one while in the presence of the Red Queen, and the White Queen's dreamy, gentle bearing - really added to the depth of the story. And the Cheshire Cat was just win. Because the Cheshire Cat is win from the beginning, really.

I also found myself envying the designer of Alice's dresses. Though actually, to be honest, I had some problems with a few of them. They were very imaginative and very Burton, but the ones that had sleeves midway down her arm bothered me. I dunno. I just didn't like them very much. And the fact that they were either with those weird sleeves or sleeveless to me, for some reason. I don't know why. I guess I found it repetitive or something. Or it didn't fit with my idea of Alice in Wonderland at all.

But that's probably my only complaint, if you could call it that. Overall the story was very imaginative and extremely well told, the characters were distinct and memorable, and it was just overall awesome. I see why people were raving about it.

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