Sunday, November 14, 2010

Jets vs Browns - Epic Overtime

Admittedly, I missed the entire game. That is, I missed all four quarters. I walked by a TV to see the Jets-Browns score at 20-20, and a few minutes in to OT. Curious, I sit down to watch.

Again admittedly, I don't know that much about football. I know a majority of the basics, but I'm still a newbie. As such, I didn't know that there could possibly be a tie. I know that now. :)

But that isn't what happened. It was less than a minute to being a tie, but after a really failed field goal by the Jets (47 yards or so and waaaaaaaaaay off), a few turnovers, and a few good passes and crappy passes and "what was that"s, the Jets had the Browns at their own goal line. Browns had possession. We managed to force them to the fourth down, so they had to punt it. A Jet caught it and ran with it for like twenty yards; on the next play, the ball got passed, it worked, and the guy ran like hell.

I'm no football vet, but even I can tell when a runner's "broken through" the defense, when they're in the clear. There's just a change in their mannerism that feels like they're freeing up, like they're doing a final burst. I saw that in this guy as the people around me were like "holy. crap." And then, touchdown!

With only a few seconds to go, the Jets won it 26-20.

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