Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Jets


Nice job, guys. :)

Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland

I finally saw it. It was incredibly well done - had all the charm and goodness of Tim Burton. The clear references to the books were amusing, though I only noticed a few (I haven't actually READ the books, I just know a few quotes like believing six impossible things and all). The designs were pretty cool, too. All the subtle character details - like how Stayne, the Knave, had a black heart eyepatch while out on the field and a red one while in the presence of the Red Queen, and the White Queen's dreamy, gentle bearing - really added to the depth of the story. And the Cheshire Cat was just win. Because the Cheshire Cat is win from the beginning, really.

I also found myself envying the designer of Alice's dresses. Though actually, to be honest, I had some problems with a few of them. They were very imaginative and very Burton, but the ones that had sleeves midway down her arm bothered me. I dunno. I just didn't like them very much. And the fact that they were either with those weird sleeves or sleeveless to me, for some reason. I don't know why. I guess I found it repetitive or something. Or it didn't fit with my idea of Alice in Wonderland at all.

But that's probably my only complaint, if you could call it that. Overall the story was very imaginative and extremely well told, the characters were distinct and memorable, and it was just overall awesome. I see why people were raving about it.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

El-Hazard: The Wanderers

I watched the first (dubbed) episode, and to be honest, I didn't really like it. It looked interesting from the ad I'd seen, showing all these flashy character desings...but the dub was very meh. Nanami, especially (I think that was the name of the protagonist's friend), was very, very annoying. I didn't like the way they translated things at all.

Granted the first episode is just a lot of setup and not much action, so it oculd just be that I need more to get a proper impression. But from what I saw it was like, eh...

That's saying something considering the ad touts it from being by the creators of Tenchi Muyo.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Sly Collection + SLY 4?!

The Sly Cooper trilogy has long been high on my list of favorite games. I remember getting the first game, Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus...I absolutely ADORED that game. And I remember the high levels of happiness when Sly 2: Band of Thieves and Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves came out. I loved the styles of the games, the worlds you got to explore in each, and honestly, the gameplay was fun as hell. Learning new tricks and techniques and ninja-ing around was amazing. (I won't lie; throughout all three games I'm more than partial to Sly. I don't really like playing as the other characters...though randomly turning the Guru into a wheel of cheese WAS amusing.) I just loved the games quite thoroughly, they were...I think the way I'm starting to ramble on shows it. They were simply good games.

So now they have the Sly Collection out, and THAT looks pretty cool - I mean, come on, the epic detail and graphics of Sly Cooper...only better. Yeah.

But that's not why I'm bringing this up now.

THIS is why I'm bringing this up now:

According to the footage of this video, they're "possibly" making a fourth Sly Cooper. Which was somewhat hinted at at the end of Honor Among Thieves, if you think about it, it was like "The end...or is it?" in the way it was played out, if I remember.

By the way, I couldn't really tell the first time I watched it, but looking at that lantern over thar...could it possibly be...Japan? FINALLY?

If this is true (and from what people are saying it looks like it probably is), this is awesome. Because...I know they say all good things must come to an end, but if Sucker Punch can work this out, if they can somehow make a good sequel to this, then by all means, they should. They did after the second game, after all - I honestly never saw how they could work that out, and yet, they did. This time it's just as conclusive-looking (at the end of Sly 3 I mean)...or IS it? Sucker Punch really knows their stuff.

I earnestly hope that Sly 4 is true...because I'm looking forward to it already.

Jets vs Browns - Epic Overtime

Admittedly, I missed the entire game. That is, I missed all four quarters. I walked by a TV to see the Jets-Browns score at 20-20, and a few minutes in to OT. Curious, I sit down to watch.

Again admittedly, I don't know that much about football. I know a majority of the basics, but I'm still a newbie. As such, I didn't know that there could possibly be a tie. I know that now. :)

But that isn't what happened. It was less than a minute to being a tie, but after a really failed field goal by the Jets (47 yards or so and waaaaaaaaaay off), a few turnovers, and a few good passes and crappy passes and "what was that"s, the Jets had the Browns at their own goal line. Browns had possession. We managed to force them to the fourth down, so they had to punt it. A Jet caught it and ran with it for like twenty yards; on the next play, the ball got passed, it worked, and the guy ran like hell.

I'm no football vet, but even I can tell when a runner's "broken through" the defense, when they're in the clear. There's just a change in their mannerism that feels like they're freeing up, like they're doing a final burst. I saw that in this guy as the people around me were like "holy. crap." And then, touchdown!

With only a few seconds to go, the Jets won it 26-20.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Iria: Zeiram the Animation

Talk about confusing. I got to watch a bit of this series without really knowing anything about it, and boy, was I lost! My friend watched it with me, and we were both completely clueless as to what was going on. Not to mention some of the physics, quirks, and logic didn't totally add up for us. It wasn't that great, really...

I did some research on it (translated, Wikipedia tiem!) and it turns out that it's an OVA. It also turns out that it's a prequel, which explains why it was a bit confusing. It shows the characters of a live-action movie known as Zeiram years before; namely, it shows the bounty hunter Iria, the main character, "as a rookie," as the Wikipedia article puts it.

To me, this kind of reminds me of the manga for Scrapped Princess. Without reading the novels or...whatever it was that manga was based off of, I honestly don't remember anymore, you're lost. I should know, the pace was breakneck and nothing was explained. In hindsight, Iria was a bit like that.

I did find an aspect of the character designs interesting, though. A lot of characters had little...I don't know how to really explain them. They were like little decorative caps on their hair.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Axis Powers Hetalia: Language v Language

I recently watched the first season of the Axis Powers Hetalia anime; I was curious to see what it was about, since I'd heard a lot of hype about it on the internet (honestly, at this point, who hasn't?). I started with the Japanese version, since that happened to be what I had access to. The voices weren't bad, for me, and I admit, I found the series to be pretty good. The characters were amusing and references to history are always fun from a nerd-tastic point of view. It's not the super-greatest anime, admittedly, it is a bit silly and all, but it's fine for what it is. And the characters are nicely done, despite the simple costumes. XD I can see why people cosplay them so much. They're not that hard to do. There are only a handful of female characters, though, from what I have seen (watching the anime + looking up the wiki).

Anyway, I came away from the experience with an overall good impression of Hetalia. Not of the fangirlish sort, but of the 'oh, it's not so bad, kinda fun actually' sort.

Then I got to see the dub.

I'm not going to say the apparently popular standpoint of "I HATE IT". I don't -hate- it. It's just rather...interesting. I don't like it. The show was silly and stuff to begin with, and the accents, while I get what they were going for, are kinda reeeeeeeeally potentially offensive and definitely uber-stereotypical. And Italy sounds like Mario (as in Super Mario Brothers). It's like, no. Italy looks nothing like a chubby plumber that jumps around bravely and saves princesses. Neither Italy, North nor South, works like that. Neither are like Luigi, really, either (or...maybe they are! DUNUNUNUNUUUUUUUUUU). It's just...the accents were annoying, to me. True, they made the show sillier, as supported by the dialogue as well, and there were some really funny moments that the accents lent to, and that the dialogue made. So it wasn't all bad.

The problem I had with it was that it totally eradicated any ability to take the show seriously. I know Hetalia's silly from the start, but this was like Excel Saga ridiculous plus ten. I don't know; it just didn't work for me. It had it's moments, but then it didn't.

Overall I definitely preferred the Japanese version.

(Now I'm trying to remember; the elder Italy said something completely random about smelling like garlic bread or something...I'm trying to remember the line. That was one of the funny bits thar.)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Cyber Formula

Cyber Formula is a racing anime, following a young upstart (I believe his name is Hayato) and his struggles and triumphs in the world of racing. It's got some great character development, and shows some good growth (I know, I know, it's cliche, but to me they did it well). Major plus for me was that a character's 'secret' identity was actually figured out by the main characters (akin to Usagi/Serena figuring out that Tuxedo Mask was Mamoru/Darien on her own, as in just by coming into contact with him a lot, and not five seconds before it's revealed). Unfortunately, I was unable to watch all of the episodes, but I saw a good chunk (the beginning and the ending). What I saw, I really, really liked. It was inspiring and really drew you in. The people that showed me the series said it was one of their favorites, too; the opinion of my fellows is something I hold in pretty high regard, and my own feelings reflected what they'd said.