Monday, January 24, 2011

NFL Playoffs - Championships

Packers vs Bears - The Packers had the upper hand in most, if not all, of this game. They clearly outplayed the Bears, though it wasn't a blowout; the game, as a whole, didn't have a lot of scoring to it. The final was 21-14, Packers, making them the NFC Champions and sending them to the Super Bowl.

Jets vs Steelers - Everyone saw this one coming. There was a point where the score was 24-3 Jets, and I believe that may have actually been at halftime. Their defense and offense, compared with the Jets' inability to move the ball down the field (likely due to the Steelers' defense as well as some miscommunications within the team), shut the Jets down. To their credit, though, the Jets came alive towards the end, and were within a touchdown of winning. If they had managed to take possession of the ball in the last two or three minutes and score a touchdown, and then keep Pittsburgh from scoring, they would have won. But this elaborate plan fell through, as Pittsburgh held on to the ball in the critical moments. You knew it was over when Rex Ryan slammed his headset down. The final score was 24-19, Steelers, making them the AFC Champions and sending them to the Super Bowl.

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