Sunday, January 16, 2011

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I'd heard a lot of omplaining about this movie - that a lot of things had beeen changed, and that it really strayed from the book in irritating ways.

What I noticed about the movie was that it was very dark. Literally. I watched the DVD, and the only way that one could have a prayer of seeing the movie half the time was if the television was the only light-producing source in the room, practically. It was really hard to see what was going on, and a lot of details and such were lost because of it.

Also, I did see the differences between book and film. The two major ones concurned the Burrow and the end of the movie, with the major character death. First, the Burrow scene bothered me. It really did. It was like, I understood the symbolism and all, but it was still a "was that REALLY necessary?" sort of thing. The second scene, surrounding the major character death (in the Harry Potter series, from book four, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, onwards, there was one death per book - er, well, the first had the prequel deaths and the seventh was a veritable bloodbath), was what I had heard a LOT of complaint about. Admittedly, I found the ending to be very calm and stagnant, so to speak, with not much action, but the death scene I thought was done very well, and the infamous wand-raising thing I found to be a pretty nice thing. I didn't react to it as badly as a lot of people seemed to.

The concentration on romance in the movie kind of bothered me. I mean, I think part of it was in the books, as well, but it was incredibly pronounced. It felt like a major aspect of the movie.

Oh, and the revealing of the half-blood prince's anticlimactic.

I dunno. I guess compared to the action-packed stories of the previous books (particularly Goblet of Fire) and movies, this one was very slow and somewhat...quiet, almost.

I definitely see why people didn't like it. It wasn't a -bad- movie, though, just not as good as its predecessors.

By the way, best scene of the movie came at the beginning, in the Weasley twins' shop:

Ron: How much is this?
Fred/George: Five galleons.
Ron: How much for me?
Fred/George: Five galleons.
Ron: But I'm your brother!
Fred/George: Ten galleons!

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