Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fresh Mixers Creamy Tomato and Basil Penne

As a college student, backup plans for food -- cheap ones -- are always worth looking for. So, when I saw Healthy Choice's Creamy Tomato Basil Penne microwavable pasta, I decided to add it to my cache of Plan B food options.

I don't have to resort to Plan B too often, though, which might be the reason why I didn't really like this product when I finally tried it. I will admit, it was past the 'best by' date. Granted, only by about a month and a half, but still, that does give a plausible explanation for the taste.

The wheat pasta was fine -- I poured on all the sauce, so I didn't really taste it. The sauce, though, was nothing like I expected. By its color it was creamy and suggested tomato, and by texture I suppose it fit the bill as well. But I tasted no tomato. My mouth was overrun with basil (which isn't ENTIRELY a bad thing, I suppose) and the hot sting of pepper (which is not as pleasant as basil for me).

It wasn't inedible, I finished it, but my mouth still tingles from pepper several minutes later. This, for me, is not a particularly desired result.

If I remember it cost somewhere around five to seven dollars in the store I got it at (may have been Target or Wal-Mart). Given that price and how disappointed I was, I probably wouldn't run out and give it a second try using a freshly bought package. Although, for all I know, that makes all the difference.

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