Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Taboo Topic: Twilight

Yes, everyone's heard of it, the four-series book about vampires and werewolves that is once beloved and despised by society (two different portions of it, not at the same time, generally). It's true, Stephenie Meyer didn't write them too well - the style is pretty bland. But once you let yourself get into it, the books aren't THAT bad. I'm not saying that they're amazing, and I can't speak any further than New Moon, but they really aren't that bad. The first one I was skeptical the whole way through but I didn't mind it in the end, and the second one I found myself getting into.

The thing about the second one, though, is that I read that AFTER I saw the movie. Now, I heard people screaming about how good it was, but I, for one, HATED the New Moon movie. I found it to be the most bland and boring thing ever on the face of the earth. I know there's a lot of intense drama going on in that book, but that is ALL that the movie is, pretty much: intense drama. I can sum up half the movie like so:

Two characters are talking, staring intensely at each other in the drama of the moment. The camera gives a headshot of CHARACTER ONE.


There is a pause. The camera shifts to a shot of CHARACTER TWO.


Seriously, that's what it felt like. The book did a better job of going in-depth and actually made it feel like Bella was a human and not just an Edward-centric puppet. I loathed that movie, I'm sorry. I just did. I couldn't stand it. But it did make the book better for me.

Now I'm going to read Eclipse, the third book (as far as I know). I have NO idea what goes on in this one, nor have I seen the movie (obviously), so this will be a first with the Twilight series. I will actually find out what the hell is going on IN THE BOOK.

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