Monday, July 13, 2009


Shounen Jump has a new comic running called Ultimo. I've only read a chapter, but so far it looks like it could be interesting. The character designs sure are...I keep on wondering how the pants-skirt thing on the main character stays on, since it looks so loose. He looks like a girl, too...has girlish eyes, and his top looks like a halter top, complete with a crease in the middle that made me swear he had boobs. Who knows. XD

Anyway, the story has to do with these two mechanical boys, Ultimo and Vice. Created in ancient Japanese times, they embody the essences of a soul: ultimate good and ultimate evil, respectively. The old man that created them is accosted by bandits, and they accidentally activate both boys. Naturally, as they are both awakened at the same time and in the same place, they begin to fight. The old man is quite calm over the following calamity, stating he'd wanted to see which was stronger, good or evil, and this was his way of finding out. Cut to the future, and one of the bandits (or his reincarnation or something) runs into an antiques shop - and finds Ultimo there, asleep.

That's as far as I got; I have no idea how the kid remembers Ultimo since it seems like a reincanation. I'm sure as I read on I'll get more of it.

So ends my random and pointless post. Yippee.

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