Thursday, June 21, 2012

Juicy Writing

Though Brigid Lowry's Juicy Writing is aimed at younger writers, given its playful personality and categorization in the Young Adult section of the library, it is nonetheless a fun read. The aim of guiding and encouraging people, particularly those who may be just beginning to take an interest in writing, makes it all the more accessible and friendly. It is not aimed for 'established' writers who have honed their craft -- no, this is kind of like Writing 101. It touches on the basic particles of speech (not too deeply, it only really goes into nouns, verbs, and adjectives, if I recall) and explains the importance of story elements like setting, character, and conflict, but it also gives lots of personal anecdotes that show "even for a published writer like myself, it's not exactly an easy road, so don't be discouraged". It's like a big book of writing advice. And, after each element touched on, there are some writing exercises based on what was discussed and/or the examples given in the book to start the reader off on thinking and writing, should they desire. (I skimmed through the exercises, personally more concerned with reading the book).

No matter what your level of skill or interest in writing, if there is any of either, at all, this is a fun way to entertain that.

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