Saturday, March 26, 2011


Finally, finally, FINALLY got to see the animated movie Paprika, directed by the late great Satoshi Kon. I've been wanting to for a long time because the stills I'd seen were so beautiful and colorful. And, now that I've seen the movie, I know why.

The story is one of those "the bounds of technology may have been reached; see how tampering with nature is screwing us over!" ones. Scientists have developed a device called the DC Mini, which allows people to view and record dreams. However, a terrorist has gotten ahold of said device, and it's up to the scientists, as well as a mysterious dream-world woman, a chipper redhead named Paprika, to stop them before they make all hell break loose.

The movie is interesting and intense, and the theme is certainly applicable to today. The visuals are great, and just as trippy as one would expect a movie that half takes place in dreams would be.

I'm quite glad I watched it at last.

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