Sunday, May 12, 2013

Twinings Green Tea with Apple and Pear

I knew Twinings had a lot of flavors of tea, but what I didn't realize was that they had a lot of flavored teas. As someone who is slowly becoming tea-dependent, this was a serendipitous realization. I love trying teas and drinking teas and just...tea! As a kid I never thought I'd say that without a gob of honey in my mouth but as I've gotten older I've grown into tea.

Still, I have a liking for sweet things. As a kid I'd found the intense fruity tartness that you get in addition to the sweetness of fruit teas unbearably strong, but seeing a green tea with apple, one of my favorite fruits, looked too good to try.

I was pleasantly surprised. I was afraid that the fruit would be too intense, but it ended up being like drinking green tea, with the fruit flavors being quite subtle. They were mostly a gentle aftertaste -- nowhere near as strong as I'd expected.

Unfortunately it appears this tea is only available in England.