Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Superior Cake Products Mini Black and White Cookies

I'm usually not that fond of black and white cookies. The half side of chocolate is usually the best part, and then there's the rest of the cookie to slog through.

Not so with these cookies.

For one, they're small, so while there's less chocolate to enjoy, it's not like you're going through a giant mound of the cookie beneath.

For another, these cookies were amazingly moist for being in a box -- the cookie part was so good, not only did I not mind it, that was a good part of what kept me coming back for another!

It could just be my bad luck in encountering black and whites over the years, but these definitely rank as the best I've had so far.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Philadelphia Dark Chocolate Indulgence

This is basically a chocolate cream cheese. Sometimes it felt like cocoa powder mixed into creamcheese, only, with minimal balancing to the bitterness. Maybe that was the cream cheese giving its part to the flavor and diverting it from pure chocolate taste. It was good, though -- I mean, come on, chocolate and cream cheese, how can this go wrong?!

Also comes in milk and white chocolate; I am sorely tempted to try these out as well.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Devils to the Stanley Cup

I will admit. I am a Rangers fan more than a Devils fan by far. So, to say that the Devils are going to the Stanley Cup stings a little. But, considering the game ended maybe an hour or two before the time of writing, it's a surprisingly tame sting.

Had the game gone as it did in the first period, I don't think I would have felt as peaceful with this outcome. The Devils were positively flogging the Rangers -- 2 goals in one period, the players were nowhere, missing the puck or neglecting to hustle. In a word, the Rangers were sloppy in the first period, and it was embarrassing, especially thinking that we could go down in such a pathetic manner.

The second period made up for this, though. In a matter of minutes, the Rangers came alive and blasted two goals to tie the game back up. The tying goal was astonishing -- a long shot by Callahan that ricocheted off skates and between players, Ranger and Devil alike, to get into the goal. It passed at least five players, including a hit on Girardi's skate.

For the rest of the game, it was a pretty admirable back-and-forth. The Rangers indeed fought hard, but it is as hard to get past Brodeur as it is Lundqvist, and through unlucky placement and missed shots and a thousand other little quirks, none of the scoring chances made in the third period bore any fruit. The same could be said for the Devils, though, which brought the game into overtime.

The winning goal was a tiny putt behind Lundqvist after he defended a barrage of shots. The puck slipped through on one, went behind him, and one calm tap finished the game 3-2 Devils, ending the series.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Juicy Fruit Juicy Secret

It's certainly got a juicy feel to it when you first start chewing, but then the flavor mellows out pretty quickly and the gum loses the softness it originally had. The juiciness is sadly fleeting.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ben and Jerry's Coconut Seven Layer Bar

I happened upon a scoop shop while I was on a trip to Boston. The combination of coconut ice cream with fudge, walnuts, and butterscotch sounded amazing, and it is currently scoop shop only, so I caved and snapped it up. (Somehow I managed to refrain from also buying every other flavor available, scoop shop specific or not -- I'm a HUGE fan of Ben and Jerry's.) It's been a while, so I don't remember it in detail, but I do remember eating it was an amazing experience. Not sure if I tasted the walnuts all that much, but I distinctly remember the butterscotch being very caramelly to me (in a good way). And the coconuttiness of the ice cream. Oh man. Yum.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fruit2O and Hint Waters

Recently I've discovered that I can actually stomach flavored water. It used to be that I couldn't take the feeling of water with flavor, but I've found these are enough to my taste that I can handle them. I'm not sure if it's that they're 'gentler' than whatever I'd tried before or if it's my palate changing, but it has happened.

  • Hint Premium Essence Water
As you can probably guess from the picture I chose, I tried the watermelon version of this stuff. It was pretty good. It helped that watermelon is a light flavor, because the overwhelming flavor is what stops me when I'm drinking something thirstily and expecting something water (i.e. flavored waters). The hint was light and came across as...well...a hint of watermelon. Just as you'd kinda expect.
  • Fruit2O
 Like the Hint, this was surprisingly nice and light flavoring, though it was definitely more intense. Again, though, this could relate to the flavor choices -- the Fruit2O I came across didn't have a watermelon flavor, so I can't do a direct comparison; the flavors I had instead were Strawberry, which is nice and light while having a sweet, strawberry punch to it, and Grape, which was slightly reminiscent of the just-too-sweet medicine grape, but not quite. It wasn't bad, though, just a little oddly sweet. (but then, I found the grape medicines among the most tolerable as a kid.)